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Interview with Jaime Lopez
Written by Omar Lopez
About the Contributor
Omar Lopez, Writer
Omar Lopez is a 20 year old college student who is majoring in journalism. As a journalist he is going to begin writing for the newspaper named El Paisano at Rio Hondo community college. While on campus he focuses on his academic studies and journalist work. Outside of school he takes pictures as a self proclaimed photographer, listens to music, practices sketching, and spends plenty of family time. Omar is an overall friendly person who is always eager to do his best while trying his best to do the right thing. Although no one is perfect in this world he tries to make it clear that it is okay to not be perfect and even embraces it. Some would say he is a very kind soul and that can be a bit dorky from time to time but always manages to put a smile on peoples faces. Whether it's laughing with or at him, Omar always accepts the happiness of others as a good thing instead of taking it the wrong way.