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RHC Mass Communication

El Paisano Media

RHC Mass Communication

El Paisano Media

RHC Mass Communication

El Paisano Media

Molly McCormick, Sports Editor

Hello, this is Molly McCormick. Ever since she joined her highschool newspaper, she just felt a rush because she actually loved something that she was good at. Her main goal is to transfer to a university in New York and to major in Journalism and minor in English. Her family and friends are the most important thing in her life. Also, she loves to read. :)

All content by Molly McCormick

Meet Rio Hondo Women’s Water Polo 2021 Team

Written by Molly McCormick, Sports Editor Sep 29, 2021

  I had the pleasure of meeting Coach Lim and the rest of the Women’s Water Polo team. They are a hard-working and determined team with one common goal. For such a young team they are very passionate...