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El Paisano Media

RHC Mass Communication

El Paisano Media

RHC Mass Communication

El Paisano Media

Hippo Campus: Live at the Novo (“Bambi” Tour Review)

By Michael Khuraibet, Digital Editor-in-Chief
Feb 2, 2019

Since the release of their first EP in 2014, indie rock band Hippo Campus has slowly refined their craft. Their latest album, Bambi (2018), is the culmination...

Review: Angry Youtuber Emma Blackery uses Villains With Pop Music

Using anger for a pop music album is not an original idea, still Emma Blackery has decided to take a stab at it.
By Danielle Anzures, Reporter
Sep 4, 2018

Despite being in the music industry for a while Emma Blackery, age 26, is more known for her Youtube channel. The channel called Emma Blackery and has...

Demi Lovato ‘Confident’: Album Review

By Maria Martinez, Staff Writer
Oct 26, 2015

Since her liberation from the Disney Channel’s clutches, Demi Lovato has become one of pop’s leading motivational figures, bawling songs about self-empowerment...

Know the Zip

By Elder Hinojosa, Staff Writer
Sep 21, 2015

Review Rating: A- The first dog is finally off the leash again. The first member of Top Dawg Entertainment (TDE) Jay Rock has finally dropped...

Bowie returns after a decade of silence

By Alejandro Rodriguez, KRHC Station Manager
Apr 24, 2013

By Alejandro Rodriguez KRHC Station Manager   It has been 10 years since David Bowie released any new material and with 24 studio albums...

Ghost challenges preconceived notions of Heavy Metal

By Alejandro Rodriguez, KRHC Radio Supervisor
Apr 23, 2013

By Alejandro Rodriguez KRHC Station Manager When Swedish band Ghost first hit the scene no one knew what to label them as. Their look captures the...

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