While the many controversies arise within the past year, LGBTQ+ community are pulled into another dispute. On April 23, Alabama becomes one of the first...
In a ruling a Brazilian judge approved gay conversion therapy which has sparked outrage and fear around the world. Last week, Waldemar de Carvalho, a federal...
By Angelo Torres, Co- Editor- in- Chief Oct 19, 2016
National LGBT Awareness Day, held October 19, celebrates the contributions of and spreads awareness of LGBT Centers throughout the world, that provide...
As part of National Coming Out Day, the Associated Students as well as Spectrum (formerly the GSA) hosted an event at Rio Hondo College in the mid quad...
The bathroom is a place you would expect to use freely when the urge comes to you, but sadly, in North Carolina, that isn't the case. A bill passed on...
Religious institutions and organizations have been the only community within society that ardently works to villainize, criminalize and more recently shun...