For those of you who love Mexican food a gem is located right in the heart of Uptown Whittier. Bizarra Capital offers traditional tasting Mexican food...
By Ryan Guerrero, Contributing Senior Writer Sep 20, 2015
Rio Hondo College will officially be apart of the L.A County Fair's "College Days" series this year and will mark Sept. 25 as "Rio Hondo College Day".
Now that school has started that means so has stress. Trying to get into classes, homework, financial aid, and even work before or after school can be...
Now that school has started some students may be too busy with classes, homework, and maybe even work to actually get a good meal in during the day....
“Add Good Character, Knowledge and Judgement.” This is the motto of Alpha Gamma Sigma (AGS), the California Community College Honor Society. Those...
There is more to college than academics, social growth is an important component of the college experience. On-campus clubs play a major role in social...
Many of us are caught up in today's society paying close attention to dim-witted events such as Donald Trump's presidential campaign, the VMA's, and...