But I haven't Seen the 1984 Movie or Read the Book
By Brandon Ramirez, Opinion Co-Editor Oct 27, 2021
Dune: Noun, a mound or ridge of sand or other loose sediment formed by the wind, especially on the sea coast or in a desert. An incredibly...
As we continue to grapple with the never-ending COVID-19 pandemic, movie theaters are slowly making a comeback. In March 2020, movie theaters across the...
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science recently approved a temporary hold on the requirement that a film needs a seven-day theatrical run in a...
AMC are now boycotting against a major Hollywood studio. The movie theater chain is refusing to show any Universal Picture films, arguing that the...
By Megan De Lara, Arts and Entertainment Editor Oct 30, 2019
Halloween mazes have become a staple when planning October festivities. Deep within the walls of the M-Building, Rio Hondo has been brewing up their own...
By Pete Escobar, Arts and Entertainment Editor Apr 14, 2017
The movie-going experience is something cherished by many for a variety of reasons. Immersing one's self into a films story is one; experiencing it with...
Directed by Rio Hondo's own John Francis, "The Music Man" is a charming musical playing at the La Habra Depot Playhouse. When "Professor" Harold Hill comes...
Since its inception, Rio Hondo College has seen students come and go, making an impact in their lives and forever shaping their future. Few students have...
In an effort to raise awareness and provide movie-goers with a summer night out AMC Theaters is offering the chance to see recent blockbusters on the big...